Thursday, December 29, 2011

LED Lights The Way For Crystal Chandeliers

Crystal chandeliers use a lot of bulbs and consume a lot of electricity to give that dazzling bright effect that they do. Up until now you had to use incandescent bulbs to light up that crystal chandelier. These bulbs consumed a lot of electricity and not all of that power was converted to light, in fact most of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb is wasted by turning it into heat energy. Though the incandescent bulb has been with us ever since electricity was used for lighting, the bulb itself has changed very little since it was first invented.

With newer technologies emerging there are now much more efficient ways to use electricity for lighting. The foremost of those technologies have two types of bulbs ready in the market. One is the compact fluorescent bulb and the other is a LED bulb. Both these types of bulbs are more expensive than the incandescent bulbs but in the long run they are cheaper. The LED bulb is an emerging technology and the price of these bulbs is very high at the moment. These bulbs are expected to be the bulbs of the future since they consume the least amount of electricity for the amount of light they produce, are non hazardous when disposed of and have a life of around 30,000 hours. The price of these bulbs is expected to come down tremendously over the next couple of years as the technology advances and better methods are found for their manufacture. So in the near future you will be able to enjoy those beautiful crystalchandeliers without having to pay a bundle for the electricity that they consume.

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