Thursday, December 29, 2011

LED Lights The Way For Crystal Chandeliers

Crystal chandeliers use a lot of bulbs and consume a lot of electricity to give that dazzling bright effect that they do. Up until now you had to use incandescent bulbs to light up that crystal chandelier. These bulbs consumed a lot of electricity and not all of that power was converted to light, in fact most of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb is wasted by turning it into heat energy. Though the incandescent bulb has been with us ever since electricity was used for lighting, the bulb itself has changed very little since it was first invented.

With newer technologies emerging there are now much more efficient ways to use electricity for lighting. The foremost of those technologies have two types of bulbs ready in the market. One is the compact fluorescent bulb and the other is a LED bulb. Both these types of bulbs are more expensive than the incandescent bulbs but in the long run they are cheaper. The LED bulb is an emerging technology and the price of these bulbs is very high at the moment. These bulbs are expected to be the bulbs of the future since they consume the least amount of electricity for the amount of light they produce, are non hazardous when disposed of and have a life of around 30,000 hours. The price of these bulbs is expected to come down tremendously over the next couple of years as the technology advances and better methods are found for their manufacture. So in the near future you will be able to enjoy those beautiful crystalchandeliers without having to pay a bundle for the electricity that they consume.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The New Crystal Chandelier For Christmas? Yes!!

When it’s time to decorate for another Christmas season, most of us turn to the same ornaments and decorations that we use every year.  To most people, Christmas décor is the Christmas tree, some Christmas lights and a wreath on the front door.  But maybe this year it would be nice to buy something new.  Most people have probably never considered crystal chandeliers to decorate their home at Christmastime.

Christmas themed crystal chandeliers are a creative option to add something new to the festivities.  Maybe you wanted to buy a new chandelier anyway - Christmas is the perfect excuse.  The crystal chandeliers are specially designed with the decorations already in place and add elegance to any room.

If you are not looking to buy anything new this year, try using your existing decorations in a new way such as decorating your crystal chandeliers with ornaments.  Even if you have elaborate crystal chandeliers, you can decorate them with just a few ornaments.  The crystal chandeliers will keep their elegance but still look festive.

Keep the holiday spirit alive with beautifully decorated crystalchandeliers.  Your elegant Christmas décor is sure to be enjoyed by all this holiday season!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Be Creative In Choosing A Dining Room Chandelier

Styles and tastes have changed over the decades and this makes choosing the right crystal chandelier for your dining room a lot different then it was just a couple of decades ago.  Using a bit of creativity when choosing your dining room chandelier will go a long way into your dining room glow with your own personality and style.

Unless you have an old fashioned home forget about those heavy beaded crystal or brass chandeliers and go for a more open and airy look.  If you want a crystal chandelier to decorate your dining room choose one of the lighter and more airy designs like a sphere with a recessed light above that really really allows the crystal to catch the light in an appealing way.  Or hang two or three small orb crystal chandeliers the length of a long dining room table to give your dining room a more elegant and sophisticated look.

Or if Crystal chandeliers are not your think try hanging a chandelier that has bright red or blue glass in mostly white dining room or find one that looks like a plant in bloom.  When it comes to choosing crystal chandeliers these days the sky the limit so let your imagination soar!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When You Need Something More than a Crystal Chandelier…

The design style of your home should be a tribute to you, your uniqueness and individuality. It should reflect both your interests, as well as accommodate your lifestyle and preferences. Lighting has a crucial role in pulling your designs together. Your lighting choices will both showcase key pieces in your design, as well as make your spaces functional overall.
Many home owners are drawn to crystal chandeliers as part of their lighting scheme, both for the illumination and the statement they make. Some however, prefer something besides the crystal. Designers have created wonderful lighting fixtures that are truly pieces of art. Many contemporary chandeliers incorporate elements of nature, such as rocks, branches, feathers, and even antlers and fur. These interesting pieces can be just the ticket for those who want something that is memorable and personal.
When designing your home it is important that you do not sacrifice your individual style because of budget, time or availability. You may not be able to have the exact item you had your heart set on, but you can still find pieces, colors and finishes you love. If you have a lighting idea beyond crystal chandeliers, check out the great creations that are out there.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crystal Chandeliers: Elvis Presley Knew a Good Thing

The most spectacular crystal chandeliers are also a statement of wealth, in some cases extreme wealth. Most of these hang in the palaces and homes of royalty, or the notably wealthy. You and I can also see some of these glistening chandeliers in cathedrals, casinos, restaurants and the like. Some of these fixtures are so over the top huge or expensive that they are actually famous.
Even some privately owned crystal chandeliers have earned themselves a reputation, such as the one Elvis Presley bought for Graceland in 1974. This one is said to have been bought at Belvedere Lighting in Memphis on a late night impromptu shopping expedition. It is made of intricately cut Italian glass, large enough to make a statement, and rumored to be exorbitantly expensive. Course, that was Elvis, so it really didn’t matter.
Naturally, when most of us are looking for a crystal chandelier, we aren’t looking to break any records. We just want something to illuminate our homes, and bring in some interest, style and sparkle. Today there are so many gorgeous chandeliers to choose from, no matter what your design expression or budget is. Make your selection from the beautiful ones offered by

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The White House’s Famous Crystal Chandeliers

If you are interested in some of the famous Crystal Chandeliers in America, a good place to check out is the White House. Not only are the chandeliers gorgeous, but each also plays a small role in our country’s heritage.
The Blue Room holds the largest crystal chandelier in the White House, also contends as one of the largest in the world. Large meaning 79 feet by 36 feet. It takes two entire days to clean and polish this chandelier, due to its size and fragility. Every year it is carefully removed for the Christmas season to make room for a very large Christmas tree.
In the East Room, the White House’s biggest room, we find three lovely Bohemian style chandeliers. These bring grandeur to the room, which serves as a ballroom, conference room, and general function room. Presently the crystal chandeliers weigh in at 1200lbs. Twice they have been taken down and reduced in size. All three of them are made up of 6000 pieces.
While we appreciate the splendor of these magnificent crystal chandeliers, we are pretty happy that the average household has more functional chandelier options. Browse for a selection of beautiful, modern, elegant, functional and affordable crystal chandeliers.