Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Story of Crystal Chadeliers

Crystal Chandeliers used to signify fortune and rank. Tremendous skill was invested into creating artistic originals, usually crafted out of wrought iron, or wood. These chandeliers were mostly found in the castles and the homes of European nobility, staring from the medieval period.
Chandeliers were in use long before electricity, and the earliest models were fitted with candles. Some of the earliest models were cross shaped.  These were designed to be functional, not ornate. Around the 16 hundreds, some fancier and more intricate designs began appearing. Chandeliers were designed in the shapes of crowns and rings, and made their way into the homes of the rich and noble, as well as the merchant class. It was expensive to maintain a chandelier, as candles were costly, thus they were a status symbol.
Entering the 19 hundreds, the styles were changing, making more elaborate cast ormolu models the new choice. This design had curvy posts, to which a candle could be fitted. Naturally, these were popular in wealthier households, or those of some rank. At this point in history glassmaking had greatly evolved and the price of lead crystal had lowered. The especially refractive surface of this glass created a light scattering effect, making the fixtures even more sought after. From the lead crystal came crystal chandelier that we know today.
As things progressed gas was used for illumination, and the term gasolier was used to describe the fixture. When electricity came along in the 1890s chandeliers evolved as well. It did not take long for electricity to become widely available, and soon enough crystal chandeliers were standardly made to run on electricity.
 Crystal chandeliers we equate them with lavishness, luxury and sophistication. Certain of them are extremely large, with a weight of over 4 tons. These go far beyond functional illumination, to say the least, certainly these more typically expected chandeliers. They are works of art!
Beautiful, elegant chandeliers have graced ballrooms, parlors, castles, and magnificent rooms in many places. Several we speak of chandeliers to this day hang where they were first hung.
Today, we have toned down the crystal chandelier some. Though it is still a great way to add beauty, sophistication, and sparkling light to a space, they are available to the more average household. When mansions and state homes were the norm they were common in great rooms, dining halls, parlors. More traditional homes today will keep with those placings and will often have one in the dining room, the foyer or both.
Contemporary crystal chandeliers are scaled to work well in nearly every room in a home. Select a larger more intricate model, if you want to fill a large space, or make more of a statement. Or, simply choose one that brings in character and charm, something eye catching and pretty without it looking too fancy for an ordinary home.
Crystal chandeliers will continue to impress us. , Currently there are still some truly awesome chandeliers splendorizing casinos, casinos, palaces and other places where no expense is spared.